[Alphas] Frogs vs. Princes: Kiss Your Darn Frog! Chapter 1 of 4
Brian Tracey taught you to swallow the frog. Well, I want you to Kiss it! Frogs vs Princes. Let’s talk.
Perfect Relationships or Investments Not Common Everywhere
Frightening but Real Opportunity to Grow
Your F.R.O.G. can be a man, a job or something big and new that doesn’t look exactly like you want it to right NOW. I’ll teach Frogs for relationships and you apply it how you need it.
Ready? Set? Go…
Know WHO You Want
Easiest way for you to understand the power of clarity is to look back in your own life when you were screwed over because someone else wasn’t clear.
I am finally in my Happily Ever After (H.E.A.) but I’ve had chances at one before. What’s different? Those men from the past weren’t clear on what they really wanted.
If they had been clear on what they really wanted, it would’ve been far easier for them to notice if I was actually it!
Clarity on your P.R.I.N.C.E. gives:
- Motivation to take action
- Others who can look for you
- The Universe a clear order to fill (create)
Motivation to Take Action
Are you struggling to “go for it”? Clarity is recognition of what is valuable.
If you’re playing a video game and you need the magic blue sword to defeat the magic blue dragon, you keep your eye out for blue swords. You ignore green or yellow easy ones and go all in when you have a chance to get the blue.
Clarity -> Recognition -> NECESSARY Motivation -> Taking Action
Spotting your prince will require you to do the work (life lessons are required!) you’ve avoided.
Others Can Look For You
When you are clear on what you really want, you can describe it easily enough that others can and will help you. The road to your P.R.I.N.C.E. may be bumpy and you’ll want company that understands your quest and aids you in it. The price for good help is that they can see YOUR vision too.
The Universe Can Fill A Clear Order –
What is Your P.R.I.N.C.E. Like?
Drumroll…saved the best for last. Clarity actually creates your prince!
We live in the universe that response to us on a thought level. Our thoughts emotions and feelings turn into our actions. All of that together creates and attracts things, opportunities and people into our lives.
When you get clear on what you want, it is just like placing an order with the Universe. It swings into action immediately (yes, I said immediately) to try to line up what you’ve just asked for.
A great example just popped into my head that I haven’t thought about for a while. Many years ago, I spent months chanting “I want to be cooking in the kitchen of a man who loves me at Christmas.”
Long story short? I absolutely did end up cooking in the kitchen of a man who loved me at Christmas. The catch? He didn’t want to KEEP loving me AFTER Christmas. 😉 You can’t make this stuff up.
I laughed and laughed as I realized I got exactly what I asked for and NO MORE. That brought me clarity that my P.R.I.N.C.E. was a man who CAN & WILL do his lessons (face his ego) so we could grow together.
Clarity is what helps the Universe design your reality.
Our family company is civil construction and earthworks. I’ve literally seen people with hundred thousand dollar projects ask us to “just put the retaining wall somewhere near here“. Not good.
We are MORE motivated to help build it for you when we know just what you want.
The Universe is enthusiastic about building to your specifications – so get some specifications!
Note of Caution: You can do specifications right or wrong. Do your specifications out of love and happy desire not out of fear and control.
The more evolved you are, the more specific you can be without triggering negativity. If being specific gives you anxiousness, focus more on the feelings you want to have with your P.R.I.N.C.E.
In Joy,

P.S Be careful you aren’t using a PORN definition with your P.R.I.N.C.E. I’ve heard porn explained as “I can’t describe it but I know it when I see it!” That won’t work well. You should be able to describe what your perfect relationship or investment “looks like.”
I made a list and it was LONG and you know what? My P.R.I.N.C.E. has every last thing on it. Every last thing. Tony Robbins teaches this and also has piles of testimonials saying the same. (If you want help, ask. There are ways to make your list that work and ways that fail.)
Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with.
She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success.
ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE
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[Alphas] Frogs vs. Princes: Kiss Your Darn Frog! Chapter 1 of 4