Alpha Women Success Academy One Page Replay

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October 1-3, 2017

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Take Back the Reigns in Love + Life: Harnessing Universal Laws for Relationship Success

International best-selling book, "Happy, Sexy, Shameless" - What Our Mother's Didn't Know About the Birds + The Bees.

This is a must watch for all married Alphas. Shasta is known as "the marriage mechanic". I'm not gonna give it all away, but you can recover from that room-mate marriage! And she's so freaking gracious, she's giving us her entire book, "Happy, Sexy, Shameless." Sexuality and money are connected honey. So you can have MORE of both!

Real Deal or Real Danger

Get your 3 part video series called "How to Meet and Marry Your Man"

If you need to hear the CLEAR truth so you can make some strong choices RIGHT NOW, to bring the relationship you want into your life - then watch this interview. And… As a bonus I got her to give us some awesome online dating tips. So if you're out there in the online jungle you do not want to miss this interview!

The Irresistibly Radiant Woman!

Download a copy of his #1 best-selling book called "Attracting Lasting Love" - Breaking free of the 7 Barriers that keep you single!

The Irresistibly Radiant Woman! You know you smiled reading that! We Alphas are thinkers! Come get the 6 points you need to do a quick Self-assessment of where you are. Roy tells us what Radiance is in a woman (and isn’t!) You can learn to boost your RADIANCE! This is also one of the easiest ways to understand the masculine/feminine dynamic you hear so much about. 

Discover the Secrets to Dating Differently and Attract Your Mr.Right

Download the 5 Essential Steps to Stop Dating the Wrong Type of Men... So You Can Attract Your Mr. Right!

Shaking my head at how good this is! She will tell you why all women should want a R.I.C.H. man (and define R.I.C.H. for you!) She teaches Alphas how to be able to make more money than a man and have that not be an issue! Some great fundamentals in here mix with simple clear wisdom that you can understand right out of the box. At the very end she tells us the story about her husband - mic drop! That is worth a whole interview. I'm inspired. 

How To Be A Feminine Alpha Woman

Kimberly’s Body Shape Guide for Women, she helps you determine what body type you have, what clothes flatter your figure and specific fashion tips for you.

I help people change from the inside out - so how freaking cool is it to find somebody who helps Alphas change from the outside in?! Clinical Therapist, Dating Coach and Image Makeover Expert. Say that twice fast. Kim is the real deal. This is interview helps you to get your relationship, your money and your mission - all three. How you look and feel about yourself affects your business, your emotions and your ability to get & keep your mate. Kim gives us the Three C's for Clothing and the Three Intelligences for focus... 

How to create Facebook ads that convert

The Ultimate Facebook Ads Template will get you started on creating high converting Facebook ads!

Need more clients? Building your list or have a business that involves Facebook, you just have to watch this interview. She's a Top 10 Influencer on Facebook and she's killing it! She actually sits and tells us what we need to do in a totally understandable way. She answered all my questions (I now know what I was doing wrong and how I could do it way better!)

Get Known Everywhere

Audio recording from one of Jill's recent stage presentations so that you can continue what you've learned during the call and get even more valuable tips. 

Basically you just need to watch this interview. If you have a book, (you should now after watching Donna!), want to write a book or want to make attracting your clients easier come learn with us! I think picking up sexy PR tips for free sounds good. Jill is such an amazing Instructor in this, that after this interview I hired her myself to take my Alpha Guide to Life book GLOBAL.

People Buy You First: Confidently Sell Yourself and Your Services

Selling Has Evolved! Have You? Stop Using Yesterday’s Sales Approach on Today’s New Consumer. Grab you free audio training and find out what engages today's new consumer.

We talked about the F word and the L word (Not the F word you are thinking of either!) and SALES. You're an Alpha, so confidence in sales is one thing - but the LANGUAGE you're using in your sales is critical! Liz is a master language-r! She shares 2 golden nuggets that you would gladly sit through and pay for a sales training just to get. 

the way to peak performance

Get more info about Peak Performance here. The magazine, the trainings and how YOU can get into your own 1%. Visit his website

Leadership consultant and trainer to name-brand C- suites across the country and he's on with us today! Warning: it's like drinking from a firehose-a very very smart awesome firehose! He will tell you the five things that every business and person needs to succeed and how number four and five are usually overlooked or underestimated. And then he gives us a simple tool already at your fingertips to help you change your trajectory and start lining yourself up with where you want to go. You got his gifts right when you signed up!

Without Compromise: Creating Income, Impact & Influence On Your Own Terms

Download a free copy of Without Compromise: The Women Who WOW Manifesto... as well as a WOW Factor Strategy Sheet of your choice to help you with the practical end of creating success on your own terms.

Download a free copy of Without Compromise: The Women Who WOW Manifesto... as well as a WOW Factor Strategy Sheet of your choice to help you with the practical end of creating success on your own terms.

Living Sexy Fit at any age!

Download a copy of her E-book called "Living Sexy Fit!" by following these instructions:

1 - Go to her site:

2 - Click "Alpha"

3- Consume!

Holy Bananas Batman! This multi-million dollar business founder and single mom got real and vulnerable and passionate. She is known as the Master Motivator for a reason. This interview was about your money and your man AND your mission. And once again, my Instructors are so generous that she's giving us her book: Live Sexy Fit at Any Age. And there's a surprise bonus in the interview - let's see who watches…

The 3-Step "Start Your Book" Session!

This "Free Book Planner" will show you how to organize your book ideas and get started. Includes a "declaration of intention," a description about how to create your vision statement and a checklist of writing and publishing steps from start to finish.

If you want to learn in 30 minutes how to actually write a book in a weekend - watch. That's it. The content was so good I gave up interviewing and started taking notes! She actually tells you how to do it as opposed to other people who tell you WHY you should do it. Fan-freaking-tastic. I'm grabbing her gift because I want it! Scratch that - need it.

Presence is power!

VISION WORK is a tool developed by Gudni Gunnarsson intended to guide you through the process of discovering, deciding and declaring your purpose, with clearly established intentions to which you are committed. 

As an alpha, I am only very rarely at a loss for words. This interview left me struggling to pick out just a few nuggets of goodness to share with you. If you consider yourself to be a spiritual seeker, a person who is interested in or explores prosperity consciousness and who is versed in the Law of Attraction - this is a must watch. You will watch this man, who is like a Jedi master-seriously… it was like talking to Yoda. I felt loved and guided. You watch me learn while I'm interviewing him! So many of the things I teach were there, but his understanding was at the next level. Refined. You really will want to take notes!

Empower Yourself! Stop waiting for others to Empower You. Live a Soul Empowered Life

Please contact Angela directly to claim your free "THE CHANGE BOOK." The fastest growing personal development book series in the world. 

The International Empowerment Coach came right out and said that your soul doesn't have a purpose - you create your soul's purpose! Ever heard of the Head Brain, Heart Brain and Gut Brain? She gives a dead simple little self assessment you can use to figure out why you're so stressed and where it's coming from!

It's only too late if you never start

Use 10 Quick and Quirky Activities to Boost Your Energy and Jump Start Your Creativity when you need a break but don't have time. 

As you are getting older you may be buying into the stories life tells us about aging. Well…Kerry’s not. She is here to give you permission to not grow stale. Life, passion, purpose. You need a shot of creativity and just plain fun? Come find out how FLAMINGOS changed her entire life. This feels good. Learn a little, laugh some more. Let her gift decompress your day! All work and no play IS bad for you!!

Optimized Health for an Optimized Life

Download Dr. Michelle's meal plan for her 21 Day Metabolic Rehab and Mindset Makeover.

If you don't optimize your health then there's no point in worrying about your mission, your business, your money OR your relationships. Dr. Michelle teaches us the five pillars of health from the perspective of a functional medicine doctor - and yes you want to know what that is and what those are! It's amazing to hear a woman go from acne, anxiety, immune system, gut AND weight issues turn the corner. They even told her she couldn't have kids! Now? She has a healthy baby, a thriving virtual medical business and is an Ultra Marathoner, 7x Iron Man finisher and wife. Go Alpha!

Are You Addicted To A Body You Don't Love

3 Keys that Inspire You To Get Fit and Change Your Thinking About Exercise!

Two words - high energy! You are going to learn things that you really need to know and don't already know in 34 minutes. Want to know the reason that you keep struggling with your weight loss? Not kidding! It's in here. Michelle is so smart that she's integrated many different disciplines into simple things that you can do without understanding all of the deep science behind it. If you're caring some extra weight this is a must watch. Period. 

Your voice matters

Public Speaking Success Toolkit - full of templates and scripts to set you up for speaking success.

Arvee helps us understand WHY it is that we need to be speaking in the first three minutes. Adding speaking to your business is one of the most powerful methods of lead generation. As as she says, if you look at any of the biggest leaders in your industry - they're doing public speaking! Hint. Hint. Even better yet? The speaker success tool kit that she gives away as her gift, I literally paid $1,000 for ($997-ouch) to get those same tools somewhere else. I told her I must really love you all that I'm so excited for you to have them for free! If you're trying to figure out how to boost your sales, grow your business or stand out in your job - listen.

The Get Unstuck Formula: Break Through Your Glass Ceiling in Business, Money & Life NOW!

Complimentary training on how to get unstuck and start accelerating your growth in business money or life. 

Why do you want to hear from a Strategic Mindset Coach? Because her Law of Attraction tips podcast is a TOP 10 with over 20 million downloads! She helps you break the glass ceilings in your head, to get what you real want - right now. She gives you her 6 key steps to getting unstuck you can do NOW. And she teaches us how to do an easy energetic clearing tool LIVE in the interview!

Foundation You Are Missing for EVERYTHING

Free copy of Forgiving and Letting Go by Eldon Taylor. 

The feeling you get when you interview someone you greatly admire! Dr. Eldon Taylor helps you understand yourself and better yet, CHANGE what you want changed! He is a foremost subconscious researcher and his Institute provides hypnotherpy audios so good they are PATENTED and used by Universities and governments around the globe. When I had a health scare, his work was the first thing I wanted and I went to sleep to it every night until I was clear! We spoke of forgiveness and patience, two things in short supply! We can't forgive others because we haven't FIRST forgiven ourselves. Come learn the way...

Release Fear & Embrace Yourself

Dr. Ellen's Catapult Your Confidence Kit. A complete kit (guidebook, workbook & guided meditation) to empower you to release fear and embrace yourself.

Dr. Ellen's Catapult Your Confidence Kit. A complete kit (guidebook, workbook & guided meditation) to empower you to release fear and embrace yourself.