Day 3 of the Alpha Woman Success Academy


We recommend that you turn off all distractions and take notes while watching the videos below. Then act on what you hear within 24 hours. Don't forget your FREE Gifts!

Michelle Melendez - Fitness

Are You Addicted To A Body You Don't Love?

Two words - high energy! You are going to learn things that you really need to know and don't already know in 34 minutes. Want to know the reason that you keep struggling with your weight loss? Not kidding! It's in here. Michelle is so smart that she's integrated many different disciplines into simple things that you can do without understanding all of the deep science behind it.

Alpha Take-Away: Weight Loss Battle Doesn't START with Exercise!

3 Keys that Inspire You To Get Fit and Change Your Thinking About Exercise!

Liz Wendling - Sales

People Buy You First: Confidently Sell Yourself and Your Services

We talked about the F word and the L word (Not the F word you are thinking of either!) and SALES. You're an Alpha, so confidence in sales is one thing - but the LANGUAGE you're using in your sales is critical! Liz is a master language-r! She shares 2 golden nuggets that you would gladly sit through and pay for a sales training just to get. And her free gives gives you...MORE!

Alpha Take-Away: Two Words You are Using Right NOW, That KILL Sales!

Selling Has Evolved! Have You? Stop Using Yesterday’s Sales Approach on Today’s New Consumer!

Gudni Gunnarsson - Spiritual

Presence Is Power

As an alpha, I am only very rarely at a loss for words. This interview left me struggling to pick out just a few nuggets of goodness to share with you. If you consider yourself to be a spiritual seeker, a person who is interested in or explores prosperity consciousness and who is versed in the Law of Attraction - this is a must watch. You will watch this man, who is like a Jedi master-seriously… it was like talking to Yoda. I felt loved and guided. You watch me learn while I'm interviewing him! So many of the things I teach were there, but his understanding was at the next level. Refined. You really will want to take notes!

Alpha Take-Away: Brand New Ways of Looking at the "Will", Exercise & Commitment

VISION WORK is a tool developed by Gudni Gunnarsson intended to guide you through the process of discovering, deciding and declaring your purpose, with clearly established intentions to which you are committed. With it you can achieve your heart’s desires by setting goals that produce specific, measurable, achievable results over time. It is a tool that connects the heart with the mind. It makes manifest thoughts, words and actions that generate passion, enthusiasm and the emotional impact required to manifest abundance and prosperity in your life.