How to Shake a Bad Thought


How to Shake a Bad Thought

Bad thoughts can make your life miserable. You may have a negative thought and this thought may be irritating, it would ruin your normal thinking. When negative thoughts prosper in your mind, you find that you focus mainly on them. Until and unless you try to overcome them, they would stay there along with you! So, if you are having bad thoughts then try one of these tools:

Talk it Out

The more you think about something and the more engrossed you become with the thought,the more similar thoughts join it, be they positive or negative! So, when you find that negative thoughts are engulfing you, it’s time to share them with friends or your bathroom mirror. While you talk it out, you will hear how negative it is and gain extra motivation to change your thoughts. Note: only talk it out with positive people! If you call your Eeyore friends you’ll get even more stuck.

Change those Negatives
into Positive Thoughts

Once you understand it is negative, you should try to eliminate it from your mind and change it to positive. How? Notice if you are focused on what went wrong instead of how to fix it. Start thinking about solutions you can see, even if they aren’t perfect. You will find that you are utilizing your energy to build positive thoughts and not to nurture the negative ones.

Be Creative

When things are becoming negative and you can’t seem to interrupt the thoughts, you can distract yourself to ditch them! Either think about something creative or go be creative. Creativity makes your mind busy with creation, which is positive. You’ll find it very difficult to think bad thoughts while bringing something new to life! If you cannot think of anything else, just pick up a pen and paper and write a letter to someone you love. The good words and feelings you have for them will make you feel better. That is because love and fear cannot occupy the same space. Hence the biblical quote, “perfect love casts out fear”. It very much does!

Take a walk

It is said that thoughts develop in your mind. Although this is true but they’re also the result of and sensitive to the environment you are living in. If you are leading your life in a stressful environment, bad thoughts can become your life partner. So, try to change the environment and watch what happens. If you cannot change your environment, at least take a walk for few minutes in some peaceful and serene place. Changing your physical state helps shift your psychological state to.

Thoughts, good and bad grow when they have space and invitation. So, when you are feeling something bad, ask yourself how you invited that thought in. If you are diligent with this for 30 days you’ll learn to caulk some leaks before they cause a flood. Use these simple but powerful tools to feel better and drive away those bad thoughts.

Tanya Stewart
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