[Self-Love] The Lesson You FORGOT from Kindergarten…
No matter where we grew up, what our culture was and what we did and didn’t have, there was a lesson that we were taught in kindergarten.
Just do your best.
I haven’t had a reason to think about “doing your best” for the majority of my adult life. I wrote about it recently here, noticing that “I did my best” has really become something that people say to EXC– USE their poor performance when they HAVEN’T done their best!
It’s not so simple as saying “just do your best” anymore, because as we grew up we added junk into our emotional and spiritual trunks that blocks our best efforts.
Now I’m going to tell you why you want to learn how to do your best. It is the magical shield that protects you from: guilt, worrying, regret, indecision and disappointment.
All that-in one.
I have been building the Alpha Woman Success Academy, at the same time that I’m finalizing my second book and finishing the first online, 8 week Alpha Success Course.
My demands on myself expanded my capacity soo much.
And there were times when I ran into obstacles, Alpha Definition of Obstacles: Other people not doing exactly what I want them to do, exactly when I want them to do it!
Because I have truly done my best, I can let it go easily.
This applies the same to anything you’re doing.
When you have truly given your best, controlled what was yours to control, followed up where you need to follow up, stretched where you needed to stretch, hell, PAST where you needed to stretch…you can then release the outcome gracefully.
The outcome is going to be exactly whatever it is going to be. That acceptance and surrender is SELF-LOVING to you.
Know when to stop pushing.
We’ve all forgotten what we learned when we were five. We’ve told our children, if you did your best, it’s enough. It’ll be okay.
Alpha, where you did your best, it is enough.
You need help moving the blocks that you have put in your way over a lifetime, blocks that STOP you from showing up and doing your best.

P.S. It truly is magical to look at an outcome that is DIFFERENT from what I wanted and planned and pushed for and feel AT PEACE WITH IT AND THEREFORE WITH ME. I really want this life balance for you.
I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.
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