Day 5 of the Alpha Woman Success Academy


We recommend that you turn off all distractions and take notes while watching the videos below. Then act on what you hear within 24 hours. Don't forget your FREE Gifts!

Arvee Robinson - Speaking Coach


Arvee helps us understand WHY it is that we need to be speaking in the first three minutes. Adding speaking to your business is one of the most powerful methods of lead generation. As as she says, if you look at any of the biggest leaders in your industry - they're doing public speaking! Hint. Hint. Even better yet? The speaker success tool kit that she gives away as her gift, I literally paid $1,000 for ($997-ouch) to get those same tools somewhere else. I told her I must really love you all that I'm so excited for you to have them for free! If you're trying to figure out how to boost your sales, grow your business or stand out in your job - listen.

Alpha Take-Away: Speaking is the fastest way to generate good leads!

Public Speaking Success Toolkit - full of templates and scripts to set you up for speaking success.

Kerry Hargraves - Older is more fun

It's only too late if you never start

As you are getting older you may be buying into the stories life tells us about aging. Well… Kerry’s not. She is here to give you permission to not grow stale. Life, passion, purpose. You need a shot of creativity and just plain fun? Come find out how FLAMINGOS changed her entire life. This feels good. Learn a little, laugh some more. Let her gift decompress your day! All work and no play IS bad for you!!

Alpha Take-Away: Aging gives you permission to be MORE of who you are, not less!

Use 10 Quick and Quirky Activities to Boost Your Energy and Jump Start Your Creativity when you need a break but don't have time. It will help you: Find ways to inject some fun into the most mundane task. Unleash laughter for a quick work out inside and out. Chase away the boredom and find the bodacious in life and relationships. Learn to lose control with confidence. Refresh your mind and body quickly and get you back to work with renewed enthusiasm. And much much more!You have nothing to lose except your boredom and aggravation