[Clarity] The Anatomy of Opportunity #4 – Receive It As a GIFT!
You are ready to learn the 4th way you can get your big opportunity as we wrap up The Anatomy of Opportunity.
You wouldn’t think there was anything to teach about receiving opportunity as a gift. Ha! Read and learn…
Catch Up Here – The Anatomy of Opportunity #3 – Shop One, The Anatomy of Opportunity #2 – Fix One , The Anatomy of Opportunity #1 – Grow One
For your awesome opportunity to arrive as a gift, two things have to happen before that magical moment.
Part One – You have to be able to attract amazing gift givers
Part Two – You have to be able to receive something you’re not quite ready for yet
Part One – How Attractive Are You?
People who can just GIVE you an amazing opportunity aren’t common.
And those “magic, door opening introductions” they provide are valuable enough that people will fight for them.
These opportunity gifts are earned or attracted based upon how well you’re doing in three areas.
1) Demonstrated Ability
2) Coachability and Willingness and
3) Hero Factor
Demonstrated ability is about satisfying the person’s head that giving you this opportunity is a safe, reasonable and logical thing to do. So if they’ve seen some type of track record or indicator that you would do well with the chance, their head will be happy.
Coachability and willingness are about their reputation. If they give you an awesome opportunity and it turns out you’re not able to be led, taught or happy to put in the effort they would’ve put into the opportunity – you make them look bad. You need to make your benefactors look amazing!
Hero feelings are the dirty little secret. Let’s be honest, people like giving to people who make them feel good. If you give something to me and it makes you feel like a hero and champion of the good, you are more likely to give to me again and give MORE.
If giving to you is hard to do and doesn’t light up any of the bells and whistle‘s on the “wow, it feels good to help this woman!”, you’ve taken yourself out of the running for most big opportunities.
Most people in powerful positions have moved past that phase in life where they rescue the ‘down and out’, so your BIG opportunity will not come because you need rescue. The surest reason for someone to gift you with your big break is when you remind them of themselves. We love to give to ourselves and we love the idea of helping our “former self” out.
Part Two – Can You Say YES to Scary Things?
I love this Sir Richard Branson quote:
“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity, and you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.”
Big opportunities mean you don’t have all of the resources you need to reach your success. One of the reasons the Universe gives you a big opportunity is so you will embark on a journey. Just like the Greek mythological heroes, your task is to discover and collect all of the resources and tools (mostly internal) that you need to complete the final quest.
The ability to step forward when you are not ready, is a huge part of attracting opportunities you must grow into.
Are you willing to do the internal work to get yourself ready to attract these type of gift givers and to receive a gift that’s ahead of you?
Become a BETTER Receiver
Being a good receiver is one of the hardest things for anyone, especially Alpha women, to learn. Receiving means you stick your hand out, after dropping whatever else you had in it. Then, you wait for someone else to fill it with whatever it is they choose (not you choose).
Receiving involves an element of surrender that uncoached Alphas are not comfortable with. (But you can get better and yes, I will help if you ask.)
We have spent this month talking about different ways that opportunity shows up, so you have a deeper understanding of the unseen mechanics behindopportunity.
You now know that you can grow it yourself from an idea or seed.
You can fix it up or restore it just like an antique you find somewhere.
You can go shopping for it as long as you are really ready to buy.
And finally, you can prepare yourself to attract amazing gift givers and receive something that will stretch you.
Let me know the value you found in examining the Anatomy of Opportunity.
I diligently applied the Opportunity principles I’ve taught this month and unearthed a world of new opportunities (including Princesses! See below)
In Joy,

P.S I am saying goodbye to my birthday month feeling happy, sexy and powerful.
If you need any of that, let me know…If you are saving your money for a rainy day and are feeling unhappy, unattractive and overwhelmed — it’s freakin’ RAINING NOW! Invest in you with me.
**This is me after the red carpet awards ceremony on the yacht with Royalty. Some of whom I will now be coaching!!! 2 real Princesses 🙂
Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with.
She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success.
ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE
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