
[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 4: THE WORK

Ready to Do Your WORK?

I don’t think anyone else is teaching Happily Ever After‘s and if they are, they are shortchanging you by not giving you the hard parts.

The Hallmark Movie Channel would probably have me killed for releasing this material – which openly admits that there is WORK involved in a Happily Ever After. 

What work is involved? Whatever the hell you do NOT want to do most – that will pretty much be it. Guaranteed.

To Keep Your Happily Ever After You Need to Do Your WORK

I am using a very personal example to my life and my heart today. I’m sitting in a small café that I’ve never been to before. It is gorgeous and peaceful and I can hear bubbling water in the background. And…

I am exhausted.

Remember I told you if you want to keep your Happily Ever After, you need to do your work? Everybody has some work to do, even us Alpha Life Coaches.

The work it took to sort, donate, trash and pack my entire life (as a pack rat) to reach Australia was the biggest undertaking I’ve EVER done.

It took EVERY OUNCE of emotional reserves that I had. And I arrived in Australia kind of a fragile shell. 

I leaned heavily on my mate during this time because my own back ups were down. I came back to life but…

Imagine if you have a car and you leave the lights on all night, every night for three weeks. Eventually you don’t just drain the battery, you can damage it so that it doesn’t hold a charge the way it used to. 

Once I got here, I had a whole New World to adapt to, new friends and places and 1000 other logistics to deal with, including the planning of two weddings (US and Oz), and  the management of transporting my remaining worldly possessions 10,000 miles across the planet into my new home. 

I’m now under three weeks to my wedding, and fate has conspired to have my container with everything I own arrive one month late, so I go 3 hrs to get it Friday! This is during the time when I am working hard on my spouse visa application (let’s just say that’s so hard that even as a 21 year lawyer it’s stressful) and finishing planning my May 11th wedding that I just started working on ~2 months ago. 

I’m sharing this with you so you can see a real life example of a lesson that I need to do to protect and nurture my happily ever after.

Your Mind WON’T Like Your Lesson

I have been leaning ever more heavily on my wonderful soulmate and he’s been pushing himself to give me the emotional support I need to keep recharging my battery – which isn’t holding a charge the way it used to.

Please note, part of HIS lesson is learning to give better emotional support – but what is MY lesson right now?

My lesson is in doing the HARDEST thing available, which is the recognition that, even though I spent all of my emotional capital for our relationship, I am STILL 100% responsible for putting my own battery back to level.

Ouch right? It’s the Alpha rescue fantasy. Isn’t this Alpha owed an “even up”? No. Our base, level emotional charge is ALWAYS our responsibility. Always. No matter how, why or WHO we used it on!

I literally caught myself and noticed just today – after a heartfelt prayer – that I needed to aggressively take time out to recharge MY OWN batteries. It’s my responsibility to recharge my batteries REGARDLESS of the NOBLE reason why I expended them. Regardless of who or what else needs me – see the hard part?

Your WORK is Always YOURS

On the eve of my marriage to a man who feels like the other part of my soul, when I have another seemingly impossible set of simultaneous tasks, I have to make sure I’m not wanting HIM to fill me up to ‘level’. His job is only my extra, my overflow! In other words, I have to fill in the hole I had to dig to reach him!

My Lesson – My admission to my Happily Ever After? To happily resume full responsibly for my own happiness until I’ve restored my own battery health to pre-move levels.

(I actually suspect Alphas do this same battery depletion in pregnancy/huge crisis and don’t notice that they are charging a debt to their spouse that is NOT his.)

I shared this with you to let you know that you are capable of determining what your lesson is it any moment. The only question iswill you do your hard shit?

I depleted myself doing nearly impossible things to make my time frame to get here.


Once I do that, I can use my battery again safely. And I will need a full charge over these next weeks.

Do your work. If your work is scary or frightening or counter-intuitive or kind of looks impossible – then you are on the right track. 

The “cost” of our Happily Ever Afters is not cheap but it is always worth it.

I’ve done 80% of my lesson simply by recognizing the lesson and feeling the relief that I know WHAT to do next and that I am WILLING to do it. 

I’ve already begun…and a white butterfly came to my corner of this garden as I wrote this.

If you are willing to believe, and you are willing to support others, and you are willing to recognize when your miracle begins and do the work for it to continue – you too have a Happily Ever After. 

In Joy,


P.S  If you feel guilty while topping yourself back up…remind yourself that until YOU return your own battery to full health, you are less use to others. And NO one can do your work FOR YOU 🙂

The very safest way to get a Happily Ever After or any kind of miracle is be willing to do your work. Much like self-made millionaires often say they were willing to put in 70+ hour weeks (my mate did), be willing to do what he calls the “hard yards”. The emotional work where you fight and gain a foot. Scratch and get another meter and do that the whole way if need be.  Your reward will make your work seem inconsequential every time

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 4: THE WORK Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 3

Do you CLAIM the miracles (Happily Ever Afters) sent to YOU?

It’s real, H.E.A.s happen (BELIEVE IN THEM). Cheering for other’s H.E.A.s accelerates yours happening to YOU (SUPPORT THEM). 

“I believe Tanya! And I encourage people whose good has found them…”

Ahh, but do you CLAIM the miracles (Happily Ever Afters) sent to YOU?

Everyone does this backwards. They are only on board once the miracle has happened and is “done and dusted” as my mate says. That’s too late! 

Today we’ll learn WHY you must CLAIM your Miracle or HEA (same thing).

Next week I’ll teach you HOW to claim your Happily Ever After 😊 It’s a long post because you struggle with this. 

Notice When a Miracle BEGINS, Not ENDS

Do you know when people realize they are were happy? AFTER HAPPINESS STOPS.

Do you know when people call something a miracle? AFTER IT HAS FULLY COMPLETED.

Problem? You can mess up a miracle just like you can mess up a H.E.A.

The most common way you mess up your H.E.A. is to NOT RECOGNIZE it as it begins. You have to claim your miracle has commenced. You have to say, holy cow dung, this is it! It’s starting! It’s mine! 

Why do you have to notice? Because H.E.A. recognition MOTIVATES you to go ALL IN to do whatever lesson you have been avoiding. If you do that work, your H.E.A. continues. If not, it fizzles.

The whole point of a H.E.A. is not to delight you (sorry Pumpkin!) it’s to GROW you! It’s to unite you with the person, place or thing that will cause you to shift in favor of expansion, love and more-ness. If you are unwilling to DO that, you don’t get to keep one.

People who are in the “I’ll believe it when I see it” camp get FEWER miracles and H.E.A.s. because they doubt it all the way through. Their doubt tells them not to risk, not to invest, not to go all in. 

If you are only willing to cheer for the parting of the Red Sea after it’s parted and everyone you like is safe – you are too late.

Want to hit Jedi level? Notice, cheer for and change position for your miracle BEFORE it begins. That is deep faith and it’s tricky. Happily, that level is not required here. Simultaneous recognition or just as things begin will work just fine. 

Miracles & Happily Ever Afters Start Like Newborns

We love CERTAINTY. And Alphas love CONTROL. That’s why we miss out on soo many H.E.A.s!

A H.E.A. has no certainty and you don’t have control. (See the lessons just in THAT!) Here’s the harsh truth – we smother our miracles. We stamp them out like a flower growing somewhere we didn’t PUT it.

We don’t recognize it’s a flower and we step on it. We don’t recognize that something amazing is being born and that means it’s small and fragile and needs OUR help. 

“Wait..What the H?! Tanya, did you just tell me that a miracle requires US to do stuff??” Uh, YES!

God and free will remember? You claiming that something special just began is the first part of your work. Your willingness to DO your avoided lesson is the second half. 

Yes, you will doubt your true mate!  Why doesn’t anyone tell us this? H.E.A. doesn’t mean certainty, it means YOU CLAIM WHAT YOU RECOGNIZE.  If you claim this is a H.E.A., you will treat those doubts like invaders and unwelcome viruses. You starve them of your attention and belief which can change your outcome. 

Does that mean every time you call something a H.E.A. it is? Nope. But here is the secret: 

If you THINK it is, you will go all in and end up learning what you were supposed to learn, so when it is FINALLY your real H.E.A., you are ready.

Read that again. NO H.E.A. is a total false alarm! They all serve a purpose (usually to get you off your butt and in motion doing what you were avoiding). 

Want extra credit? Read what I’ve taught about Expectations here. Your expectations at the START that something IS a H.E.A., influences your outcome. 

Stop being a scaredy-cat and claim that H.E.A. as it starts to give it the best chance of continuing…

In Joy,


P.S  Here is a flower blooming where I didn’t plant it. It’s my very first tomato plant. It is growing in the driest state, on the driest continent in the world (South Australia where I live). It’s growing from tomato seeds we washed out of our lunch plates.

It’s clearly an Alpha Tomato Plant as it’s growing under the WATER TAP at a construction company.  It is my MIRACLE. I wanted free tomatoes! (They cost $4.45/lb – $8.90/kg here)

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 2 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 2

You want your Happily Ever After?
Read on Alpha!

The question you get to answer this month is DO YOU SUPPORT?

Heed these words carefully:

You cannot receive anything you despise.

That counts for money and that counts for men and that doubly counts for Happily Ever Afters!

Last week’s post – Chapter 1: Do YOU Believe?

Cheer for Someone ELSE

Cheering for others’ happiness attracts your own. Let me say that again because that’s pretty much the whole point this week.

You need to find a way to cheer for other people‘s happiness as if you were receiving it yourself.

It puts you in the same H.E.A. energy and most importantly it shows the Universe that you really really like whatever it is you’re cheering for.

I have two very close friends and one of them cheered for my happily ever after as if it was her own personal dream come true. And yes, I had a best friend who struggled with my happily ever after because her fears about how it would separate us (geographically I’d be 10,000 miles away).

That brought up a lesson for her in fear which she had to tackle-and she did :-). Notice if this is you!

She could not possibly have received her happily ever after while she had worries about a happily ever after happening in front of her eyes.

To her credit, this was probably the eighth time I had cried out “It’s him! It’s him!“ It’s important that if your friend thinks she is starting a happily ever after and YOU have your doubts, that YOU BE WILLING to suspend your doubts and fully support her until it’s actually proven that it’s not one.

There are many people that you CANNOT tell I think I am starting a H.E.A. because their doubts will mess up your belief.

You need to BE the support that you are going to need in order to start your own happily ever after.

The easiest way to literally SURROUND yourself in the energy of what you want to bring into your life. 

What If I Don’t Have Anyone Around Me in their

H.E.A. to Support?

You might be wondering how you can possibly cheer for somebody else’s happily ever after, if nobody around you is in the middle of a happily ever after…

Cheer for mine!

Read a romance novel (yeah you read that right) and cheer for hers.

Imagine your friends looking for happily their ever after, finding one now and cheer THAT on in your head.

But Tanya, shouldn’t I just imagine cheering for MY OWN happily ever after?

Nope. Not just yet.

That tends to be the hardest way to do this because you mostly do not have enough belief in your OWN happily ever after coming. Too many blocks and too much past “experience” on why it CAN’T happen. 

This week-find and cheer for as much pure love as you can spot. Find and cheer for ANYTHING that looks like a happily ever after. Be supportive.

If you bump into a 15-year-old girl who is CERTAIN she’s just met the love of her life who she will marry-instead of talking her out of it, cheer for her and with her.

Cheer for love!

Show the Universe that you LIKE and BELIEVE in what you want! I still cheer for my own and any others I can see 🙂

In Joy,


P.S  Yes, this applies to money. Cheer for rich people. An ass is an ass. Don’t cheer for them, just cheer for awesome rich people. 

P.S.S  Do you want to know who is my biggest supporter and my happily ever after right now? My mate, Michael.

He is sitting next to me on a hot night, on a curb in front of Shakey’s Chicken in Manila, Philippines to get free Wi-Fi so I could finish my coaching post after 2 hours at the spa AND carrying a ridiculously heavy bag with all my shopping. Happily Ever Afters are real.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 2 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 1

Happily Ever After Handbook Series

The truth about Happily Ever Afters…

Happily Ever Afters (HEA is the romance book acronym) aren’t just for fairytales. They happen in real life and in fact, can happen for you…well.that is if you don’t screw it up first.

This month I’ll teach you how to have the best chance at having a Happily Ever After (who doesn’t want that??).

You’ll need to answer the four questions I give you this month affirmatively.

We begin now. Do YOU Believe?

First Things First

If you are reading this you believe or you WANT to believe. 

Let’s just clear this up. You cannot receive anything you don’t already believe in OR…drumroll…fear. Fear is strong belief + dislike. 

So if you just have a toe dipped in the pool of “maybe” on a happily ever after, jump in Alpha! 

The reason you don’t want to believe is too many past disappointments. Too many times you’ve gone all in and it didn’t work. Too many times it was LOVE that was the biggest disappointment. (Yeah, me too. And me three and me thirteen!)

Remember last month I talked about letting in the possibility? Do that at a minimum. I personally recommend the lottery line of thinking. Does everyone win the lotto that plays? Of course not. But you have to play to win and somebody KEEPS winning. It could be you. 

Chapter 1 – How to Believe

Here’s How You Look Wait For A HEA

You treat it like your misplaced car keys.

Ever lost your keys?

Did you ever stop and think, I wonder if they still exist? I wonder if I am good enough to find them? I hope I am lucky enough to find my keys today. NO!

You are CERTAIN of their existence just not their whereabouts.

That is a good foundation for your belief. Become certain of the existence and admit you are fuzzy on the location.

Most Alphas don’t know the WHERE and the HOW so you ego leads you to doubt the EXISTENCE.

I have been certain and growing ever more confident in my HEA for YEARS now. Just shortly after my divorce is when I began to believe and my journey took 8 years.

Let me tell you that if and when you hit your HEA you will not care if it took 8 or 20 years!

When you are certain that your HEA is coming for you, you ALTER how you act right now. I closed my law firm a year after my divorce preparing myself to move to my Mate (whoever and whereever HE was). 

I learned to COOK (formerly of microwaving and baking fame thank you!) because I wanted to be able to feed my new family well.

I created a successful business (coaching) that could be done from anywhere in the world, so I had nothing holding me back.

I set the distance limits on my dating sites to Mars and the Moon because I didn’t need to know the LOGISTICS  – I was certain he was looking for me.

Small, simple step: Imagine it happening…to your Best Friend. It puts you in the same energy and will be easier for you to do right now with zero coaching.  

Happily Ever After is possible and it starts in your thoughts.

– Alpha Life Coach

In Joy,


P.S  I’m on my way to the Philippines to meet my virtual assistant Alexis for the first time in 2 years! I’m going with my mate and upon our return we’ll be married. Happily Ever Afters can happen. Stay tuned! 

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Happily Ever After Handbook – Ch. 1 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] Money Magnet Series – #4 Want

Money Magnet Mojo #4: Want Your Deepest Why

If you want to improve your Money Mojo, follow these Laws I’ve identified:

Law #1 Remove What Repels

You know what you must stop doing. Stop doing it. 

Law #2 Amplify What Attracts 

Do more of even ONE thing that makes Money WANT you. 

Law #3 Doubt your Doubts

Stop being so damn confident in your doubts! You must open a crack of possibility to let a miracle appear NOW.

Law #4 Want Your Deepest Why

Become WHERE money wants to go…

Read on and I’ll show you how.

Law #4 Want Your Deepest Why

The world is crazily abundant. Imagine the money and wealth and resources you want as a big giant lake in front of you.

There’s two ways you can get water from that lake. You can grab a bucket, walk over to the lake and WORK. Dip it in, drag it out and then haul that the bucket somewhere, spilling as you go.

Or, you can dig a little trench to where you want water, that’s lower than the lake. The water will then effortlessly flow, inside your channel, down to your lower spot. The water (Money) will fill up what you need and flow continuously.

The biggest part of your “work” is the digging of YOUR channel. Yes, it’s faster (& easier) to snag a bucket and grab 5 gallons of water. But you have to keep doing that over and over again.

Dig your channel INSIDE of you by getting CLEAR on your deepest WHY and WANTING IT.


You are to BECOME your own channel. You are to become attractive to the flow of Money so the Money feels like it’s flowing downhill to reach you and wants to go where you want it to go. (My paraphrase of an old saying: God works through you vs. bringing things TO you.)

When you create a powerful, heart driven why, it forms a downhill channel from a source of opportunity, drawing in Money. And WHEN does Money want to flow? An Alpha’s favorite timing: right the hell now.

You’ve also heard, water always seeks its own level. Level = the EASIEST place for it to be. Your job is to create that lower, easier level for your resource pool to naturally flow into.

GOLDEN QUESTION: What are you doing to make it EASIER for Money to reach you? (Or are you standing, essentially UPHILL cursing your trickle??)

How Do I Become a Channel for Money to Flow Into?

Want your WHY.

From my metaphor above, you should be prepared to dig! To get dirty and to make SPACE. You will make space by getting in touch with your deepest WHY. 

The process to discover and prioritize your deepest WHY is how you BECOME WHERE MONEY WANTS TO GO. When you do the work to find what lights you up, you release resistance and remove blocks. You “drop” down to your core, your innermost desire. That IS the channel.

I am not making this up. I am a foundations coach and when you do this foundational work of excavating until you’ve moved all the crap that has buried your deepest WHY, you’ll have dug a smooth and attractive channel for Money.  

Please understand Money WANTS to work! It wants to build and create and GROW things. It flows away from fear, which will hold it too tightly and constrict and contract it. It flows for EXPANSION. That is why it always seeks its own level and hint, that level is always LOVE.

To become an easy channel for Money to flow down into, dig out your WHY (inside you) to make the channel. Then let the WHY attract the opportunity (lead you to your lake).

Do not seek your spot before your “Why”, or you’ll pick the wrong source.  (I have personally screwed this up repeatedly! And yes, this applies to both Men AND Money.)

If your deepest Why isn’t about Love, it is not your deepest Why yet.

– Alpha Life Coach

In Joy,


P.S  You need a coach to dig out what’s blocking your deep WHY.When building a BIG building, know what they do first? They dig WAAAAAYYYY DOWN. Down first, then up. That makes it stable.

I have space for 1 client who wants to try a new style of coaching I want to do. An intensive. 6 months. One mission. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Investment is $9,997. So, what do you want: Book? Soulmate? Business? Save a Marriage? Heal a Broken Heart?? Is it worth 10K to you? Ask me about it here.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] Money Magnet Series – #4 Want Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #3 Doubt

Money Magnet Mojo #3: Doubt Your “Own” Doubts

Making money is fun but attracting money is better! You want need to improve your energy around money so you can stop “trying to make it.” 

First priority? Remove What Repels Money. Then Amplify What Attracts Money. Now?

Let’s Doubt Your Doubts: Become NOW for Money’s When

Law #3 – Doubt Your Doubts

If you want speed in anything, the trick is not to re-create the wheel or start from scratch. Want to know something you’re already good AND fast at? Doubting.

Good. Let’s use that. I want you to doubt your doubts. You heard me correctly. You have an endless stream of things that you worry about, question, over-analyze and try to engineer because you’re worried it won’t work.

You could put all those icky things in a big canvas bag marked “doubt“.

If you were running a race carrying heavy bags, it would slow you down. I want you to notice the heavy bags you are carrying in your money race and consider NOT carrying them all the time.


Money’s speed is NOW. Right the heck now. It does not favor the doubtful. The delayed. The “deliberate.” Why do many millionaires look reckless to outsiders? Because they ACT NOW. We don’t do as much doubting as you do.

Golden Question: How much room do I make for the possibility of success?

What Do I Need to Doubt?

1. Any negative thought that says you won’t get what you want

2.Your ability to stop the Universe from helping you (it’s stronger than you and it LIKES you)

Instead of trying to stop you from thinking negative thoughts (you think about 70,000 negative thoughts a day!) – I just want you to just start questioning those crazy thoughts.

Why? All the Universe needs is just a little bit of belief. Faith as small as a mustard seed. Room for possibilities. It CANNOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE. It would violate your free will as a creator.

You are allowed to think and expect what you want as a creator. If you decide there are no men, as a creator, there are not allowed to be any men. Period.

If you decide that making money is hard, then it’s not allowed to be easy. If you decide that getting a raise requires four years, that is not allowed to come in two. When you listen to everyone who tells you that life is tough, then things have to be that way.

Alphas are actually quite certain of their doubts. My clients have genuinely ARGUED with me for their limitations! You’re not sure HOW things will go wrong but you do not have deep faith in Money arriving.

You must introduce doubt into your fears to make room for speed and success to arrive.

Every time a thought pops into your head about why the deal won’t work, you want to find two thoughts about why it actually could.

I need you to be less confident in your predictions and “reality” whenever those outcomes would suck.

I want you to doubt your doubts as if you could turn in a scorecard to me at the end of the week and get CASH for each worry you questioned.

Example: He COULD be the guy. This COULD be the right deal. They could cooperate this time. Your assistant could get the thing done on time…

Commit to spending a week doubting your doubts in areas where you want MORE. When you reduce the friction of DOUBT, you will speed up. And…? 


Common mistake? Over-analyzing. That’s you just wanting to be right about the many ways things may not work out. Read: You Want to Be Wrong to Be Happy. 

Doubt Your Doubts

Can you picture things working out EASIER than picturing things failing?

Make some room for your miracle woman!

In Joy,


P.S  Learning to notice your thoughts takes discipline that will repay you in gold. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is the thoughts you thought ALL LAST YEAR. Doubt even SOME of them and you’ll speed up your journey to Money.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #3 Doubt Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #2 Amplify

Money Magnet Mojo Series

I’m hearing you are excited to work on money. I want you to go back and review #1 Remove. Remember, for Alphas and my foundation coaching, we first go after what’s BLOCKING you before you try to “speed up”. 

My Alphas will love this week’s focus. It’s meaty, so settle in and read!

Amplify that Which Attracts: Become WHAT Money Wants

Law #2 – Amplify that Which Attracts

Now that we stopped doing some of the dumb stuff (that which repels your Money). Let’s become what Money likes!

Please re-read that. I did not say just DO what Money likes. I said BECOME what Money likes. That means below the surface, deep in you vs. on a To-Do List.


Back to dating because it’s the easiest teacher. Go to ANY gym and you’ll find some women who are fit because that is WHO they are choosing to become now and you’ll find a billion more women “getting in shape” to earn some attention/love/approval (even from themselves!). 

That’s becoming vs. doing. Authentic vs. engineered.

Amplify your Authentic.

Men in demand are usually fit and are naturally more attracted to women who are similar to them. Which one are you? Are you “working out” to amplify and “buy” your opportunity OR grooming yourself to become the kind of person life WANTS to give a hook up to?

Do you ‘diet’ or are you choosing to live healthier?

Example: I can work really hard (any Alpha can). I can also work with crazy passion toward my purpose. That may be hard work but it “smells” different to Money. Passion attracts Money.

Ok, here is the big secret and I’ve taught you this before – I am the Indirect Goals Coach. If whatever “good thing” you are doing, is done to get money – that’s not becoming. (Double entendre & play on words, the word “becoming” also MEANS attractive!) 

There IS a difference between women who put on a powerful & sexy outfit for THEMSELVES vs. to drag in the attention of a man. The first outfit will ALSO draw male attention but bonus, he won’t feel hunted.

Our new kitty! from Tanya Stewart, Esq. on Vimeo.

Money doesn’t like to feel hunted, dragged, trapped or tricked either!

Money (& men) are like cats. Chase it, hound it, obsess over it & they run. Get busy doing what YOU want to do, what turns YOU on and do MORE OF IT and curiosity gets all 3 of them! They will come and stay because THEY want to play with you at that level.

Golden Question: Am I doing more, becoming an awesome person that successful people naturally love? Or am I “trying to do the right things, in the right order to get X? 

What Do I Need to Do to Amplify What’s Working?

1. All Alphas have a Superpower, play with it WEEKLY

2. Learn to Notice & Turn Up Your Magnet

Do you know your Superpowers? One of my big ones is I’m a Teacher. I can teach almost anything. I need to be teaching to stay at a high, happy energy level.

Another one I have is building. Furniture, companies, relationships, marketing…doesn’t matter. I love to build. When I keep myself connected into these high value gifts, I GLOW. I am magnetic to my own good.

Commit to dipping yourself at least weekly in one of YOUR Superpowers (which is love energy by the way!). 

Common mistake? Be careful that you use your Superpower where it is WANTED and not just where it is NEEDED. Teacher vs. Dictator. Money always flows away from dictators in the end.

Second, practice turning up your magnet but NEVER TO GET MONEY.That’s that direct pursuit thing again chica! Use it to get smiles or attention from strangers or a reaction from an animal or pet.

Step 1- Notice where your glow/vibe/mood is. Step 2- Then imagine turning up a dial and direct that amplified good feeling toward whoever/whatever you like.

I don’t know why, but I love playing with this in the grocery store. Last time I did it in a U.S. Costco, I got the compliments from both the entrance and exit greeters and a man followed me into the parking lot! I did not SPEAK to anyone or flirt with anyone. I turned up my heart and beamed it out. If you can do this in a grocery store, you can do it before a sales presentation and with a client to feel good.

Common mistake? Do not do ANYTHING to force, cause, speed up an outcome! That is PUSHING not attracting. Attract by becoming better “bait.” I’ll say it again, you want Money to come catch you, not for you to run it down like a lion! That’s tiring.

Amplify What Attracts Money.
Are You Attracting or Pushing at Money?

In Joy,


P.S  Poor people push. Wealthy people attract. That’s why it looks “unfair”. Attracting IS easier. Change your mindset on this. You have probably been doing this the harder way. Everyone has something attractive – and guess what, it brings love out of you, which attracts love (money) to you.

P.S.S Many of the things I “left” or “gave away” back home are being attracted back to me. You recall I’ve always had a stray cat to feed, well…my Australian kitty showed up! Welcome Home Kitty! (And yes, I’m attracting the kitty not chasing it).

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #2 Amplify Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #1

Money Magnet Mojo Series

Let’s talk about money ALL month? Is that ok? Good. 

Money and love are super similar. The trick is to ATTRACT them not CHASE them.

I’ll share my 4 Laws to becoming a Money Magnet. Let’s get to work!

Missed last month on Truth? Catch up HERE: SEE The Truth – HEAR The Truth – TELL The Truth – ACT on Truth

Law #1 – Remove that Which REPELS

That sounds easy. Where do you start? With YOU. 

YOU are what is repelling money.


First, I want you to stop asking the wrong question: How do I MAKE money? You do not make money. Money is energy and it is neither created or destroyed. YOU ATTRACT money or you repel money. 

Your task is to become who MONEY is seeking. To become what MONEY wants to do and who it wants to hang with. 

Golden Question: How do I make myself irresistible to the Money?

Please think of Money like a person (see, we are capitalizing it’s name). Money feels more masculine to me, so I may even call it “him.”

What Do I Need to Do to Become Attractive to Money?

1. Stop trying to EARN money and identify what’s blocking it

2. Stop trying to GET money and identify who you need to be to have more

To make this simple for you. Look at a few healthy, wealthy people (do not pick the bastard robber barons please). There are things they do, that you don’t do or won’t do. And you already KNOW what these things are! 

Commit to identifying & stopping ONE thing you are doing that Money dislikes. It’s blocking your Money. If this was dating, I might say stop gossiping, as most men dislike women who gossip. Gossiping blocks attraction. 

A common blocker? Not finishing things. FINISH Damnit. Money avoids those who won’t finish.

Spend your time figuring out the habits and beliefs you currently have that are BLOCKING Money. If Money was a person, it would not return your phone calls because of these things. Stop spending your time trying to find the next big idea because you will only block it!

Second, stop trying to get money or even save money (that last one I’m still getting better at) before you get clear on who you need to BECOME to make Money want to talk to you. 

I forgot the other day and was trying to save what would’ve been less than $2 on parking in the city. The crunchy energy of trying to get “cheap” downtown city parking is NOT the energy of the person I’ve become who attracts Money. My mate reminded me 😊. 

Money, men and reporters like talking to interesting, happy, healthy, emotionally balanced, exciting, busy, beautiful, bright, trustworthy and magnetic people.

Become who Money is seeking.

What in you doesn’t fit that description?

You know I am a foundations coach, so I teach you to remove what blocks us FIRST (get off your own brakes!) and later we’ll speed up.

Become who money is seeking.

In Joy,


P.S  You can start from anywhere and improve your relationships with Men or Money. Start with what repels first. Make yourself into who Money is chasing. If you are a catch, you’ll get caught.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] Money Magnet Mojo Series – #1 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] The Whole Truth Series 4 of 4 – Acting On The Truth

Ok, So DO Something About It!

If you’ve been keeping up, you can SEE the Truth, HEAR the truth and TELL the truth but are you ready to ACT ON THE TRUTH?

There are many who fool themselves that that is enough. It’s not! Alphas love doing things, so let’s take some action today. 

Catch Up on Truth Series Here: SEE The Truth – HEAR The Truth – TELL The Truth

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

There are two main categories of truth that pop up over and over again.

Truth you knew but feared/avoided

Truth you are surprised about

Let’s make this very easy. When the truth is something you were fearing or avoiding you need to take bold, MASSIVE action. When the truth is a surprise, you can take cautious action.

Why Bold for What You Already Knew?

Simple. You cannot let your ego’s control of you go “unpunished” for lack of a better word. If you timidly act on truths that you knew and were hiding from,you give yourself yet another pass.

You must make yourself SHOW UP FOR TRUTH if you want the laws of truth (love, trust, prosperity) to work for you. When you catch yourself “cheating” there must be consequences!

What Does Bold Action Look Like?

In simplest terms, bold or massive action are actions that are VISIBLE and not easily reversible. They mean COMMITMENT. If your action has you solidly committing to a direction, good.

Truth, you’ve been eating too much sugar with too much sitting. Take Action: Get aggressive. Don’t coddle yourself for the start. Cut yourself to zero sugar for 72 hrs (that will get you past the worst of the physical addiction and yes, sugar is physically and psychologically addictive).

Surprise truth? Maybe you learn that you are adopted. That is cautious action. Don’t need to leap in with both feet because you weren’t avoiding anything. 

I don’t need to tell you which action to take. Why? Because truth is funny that way. To stay in alignment with the truth, there is usually 1 clear path to take. That path may not be easy but you’ll know what is called for. Do that. Make yourself accountable to truth by taking action.

If you look at yourself today and notice you REVERSE these instructions – bold action when someone/thing surprises you and timid steps toward stuff you’ve been avoiding, ask me to help you. Coaching is an excellent way to get better with truth because you’ll keep hearing it from me. 

In fact, the few clients that were unsuccessful with me have ONE trait, they are truth avoiders. If you avoid truth, avoid me. If you can take it, we’ll fix your world.

In Joy,


P.S  How you approach the action you need to take will determine how easy or hard that action ends up being!

Have you come out to support the summit I am in? Do that now!

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Whole Truth Series 4 of 4 – Acting On The Truth Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Tools] The Whole Truth Series 3 of 4 – Telling The Truth

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies…

What would work better if we all told the truth?


What would break for us if we all told the truth?


We don’t tell the truth because truth carries consequences.

If you are not in a state of extremely high self love, you are not insulated enough from the consequences that flow from truth telling.

Roll up your virtual sleeves please!

Catch Up on Truth Series Here: SEE The Truth – HEAR The Truth

Telling the Truth is Vulnerable

It is not enough to just SEE what is right and true.

It is not enough to be OK with HEARING others tell you the truth about you.

You must be able to TELL the truth to others.

That means ask yourself in any situation where you’re not telling the truth -what is it that I am afraid of losing here?

Truth telling is always about security.  The greater your security, the less you fear the loss of approval of others and the pressure they’ll exert to notbe made “wrong”.

The energy of truth and love and prosperity are all the same. When you make a habit of telling the truth, you may not have as many friends but the ones you have will be true to you. Love will stay with you and money is invited in. (We’ll spend ALL next month on attracting money!)

I’ll repeat the obvious – you cannot ask the Universe to give to you what you are not already doing.

You do first, world does second. 

If you have issues with people telling the truth (offshoots include loyalty, infidelity, commitment issues and insecurity) then YOU need to ramp up your own truth telling.

Practice Makes Perfect (or at Least Easier)

Start your practice by telling truth to yourself, then strangers – loved ones require the most practice and are therefore last up. 

Before you tell anyone the truths you see, you’ll need to know how SAFE you feel about telling it.  The safety consideration shouldn’t be part of it, but it is.

Look at our political and government systems today. No one feels safe enough to tell the truth. When people tell the truth they are punished, ostracized , judged, doubted and sometimes even jailed, fired or beaten.

It would be nice if we just admitted that we want OTHERS to always tell the truth and for US to have the option! 

Stop expecting your kids, boss, coworker, mate and clients to do consistently what you’re not doing consistently.

And remember, awareness (truth) proceeds change.

Mostly no one wants to hear what you’ll say, because the solution may be scary (i.e., involve uncomfortable change or responsibility taking).

Knowing all of that, begin practicing telling uncomfortable truths anyway.

I ran my own high conflict divorce law firm and practiced crazy family law for over 15 years.

I told my clients that the advice they most needed to listen to, was whatever advice that they LEAST wanted to hear. They were literally paying me for the handful of times I would tell them the truth they didn’t want to hear. (Same thing as a coach!)

Over my years of practice, I got better and better at learning how to tell uncomfortable truths -and yes it’s a skill set. Ask me for help if you need it.

Here is the most important thing I’ve learned about speaking truth – the MOTIVATION for telling it, determines HOW it’s received.

If you are motivated to tell the truth out of love and compassion, with a sincere desire to help or bring about change, it will be received differently.

I tell people blunt truth all the time – like seriously terrible stuff they do not want to hear – and yet they still feel loved and seen by me and don’t feel attacked.

You CAN tell a difficult truth without attacking someone. And our world needs more of this and I vote it starts with you. Hop on it with me now. 

In Joy,


P.S  The sign of a very healthy relationship is how easily both partners can share unwelcome truths with each other.

When a relationship (romantic, business or family) can share what hurts it, it can heal. When it can’t, it is slowly poisoned.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 

She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 

ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:

[Tools] The Whole Truth Series 3 of 4 – Telling The Truth Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon