Author:Tanya Stewart, Esq.

[Alpha] The Alpha’s Cheat Sheet to HERSELF (Summarized)

The Alpha’s Cheat Sheet to HERSELF​


The last two months I have been teaching you about the 3 Life Cycles of An Alpha. Let’s put it all together now! If you missed any bits, this will refresh you all in one go.


In the Beginning There is the FIGHT


In the beginning of our lives, into our middle twenties we FIGHT for everything.


We Fight Our Men: The Alpha herself does not feel good enough, because of her initial family abandonment, so we find men who are also not good enough. Then we attempt to fix them.


We do not feel that we can have a man who is already good enough, so we pick ‘fixer uppers’ as projects.


Remember, Alphas are RESCUERS and this is the origin of the rescue. Find someone who is wounded and damaged and heal him and then he HAS to love you, right? He won’t leave you, right?


Unfortunately, as you know, that’s not true. But during the Fight Cycle we don’t know that yet. So, we keep finding men that are identical to us (wounded) and fighting to change HIM into what we need.


We Fight Our Family/Friends/Co-Workers: You are running around trying to get whatever you DIDN’T get as a child (approval & love) from folks who don’t have it either! You compensate in these relationships with your superpowers because you blame yourself for NOT being loved.


Note: Soft Alphas fight initially and then get more used to giving in unless cornered.


Weary of Fighting, Late 20’s+ We Seek Control


Why do we control our men? (shh, we call it “helping”)


We control by rescuing and helping in hopes he won’t leave us and he’ll give us the love and approval we are not giving ourselves.


Why do we want to control everybody else?


We don’t WANT to be controlling. We have to be. Control protects us from being harmed to cover up our true fears inside. It is also how we make people meet our needs for love & approval.


We are love and approval addicts. (Read: How I Got Off Drugs)



We Need to SURRENDER the Need to Fight and Control to Be Loved


Here are your 3 steps to Surrender:


Step #1 The Physical Action is Learning to Receive, which Alphas are weak at. It requires you to intentionally STOP and then express gratitude for what is being given.


Step #2 The Mental Action is Choosing to Allow. Surrender attracts help from sources stronger than you, only if you can allow your focus to shift away from what needs changing and follow someone ELSE leading you to safety in their own way.


Step #3 The Feelings are you Confidently Asking and feeling relief WHILE asking for the help, because your expectation of aid has no doubts. You are not waiting until help is received to relax.


Admit that you fight. Notice that you control. Surrender the need to be right and let love grow.


Re-read all of the training posts in areas you are weak. Need help? Ask.


In Joy,



P.S  Knowing who you are brings clarity and clarity is power Alpha. Knowing where you are in your growth and life cycle gives you choice and choice is our favorite thing. It’s a prerequisite for FREEDOM. Tell the truth. Set yourself free…


This is me teaching 130 people about responsibility and accountability all day. It was a JOY. I showed them how you WANT accountability and I’ve showed you the strength in surrender. I’m a counter-intuitive, indirect goals coach. 😊

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alpha] The Alpha’s Cheat Sheet to HERSELF (Summarized)Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] Ask & You Shall Feel RELIEVED… Surrender #3

Ask & You Shall Feel RELIEVED…​​​​​​​


In learning how to Surrender this month, we’ve talked about Preparing to Receive and Choosing to Allow.


Now for some sexy stuff! Confidently Asking is the last leg of surrender.


Short version:

You are Confidently Asking when you feel relief WHILE asking for the help, because your expectation of aid has no doubts. You are not waiting until help is received to relax. 


Hint: Some well studied sage suggested “Pray believing you have it”. And in his language, the word “prayer” translated similar to the word COMMAND.


Claim or Command Your Help Confidently


To get a better handle on claiming -I’m going to ask you a series of questions.


  • How often do you claim victory, when you don’t know how to make it happen?


Most Alphas will only claim success or feel good (i.e. in control) when they are,in fact, in control! If they don’t know HOW an end is to be obtained, they do not feel optimistic or happy about it.


This is the exact opposite of surrender. In surrender you are not the only one on your side, so you can foresee good outcomes beyond your resources.


  • How often do you use (claim) your ability to ask for help, without procrastination or worry?


Confidently asking for help is a skill set you want to practice. If you find yourself only asking after much procrastination and worry, you aren’t surrendering.


Confident asking doesn’t not wait until you bottom out. It’s also NOT confident asking to ask but still “keep the problem active in your head”. Remember Stopping.


  • How often do you claim peace in the middle of your struggles?


When you ask for help, if you believe you’ll really receive it, you’ll feel peace right when you ASK- not after the help is given.


Think back to see if you felt peaceful AS you asked for help or if you only felt peaceful once you could CONFIRM the result.


When your Alpha (your leader) is healthy, they WANT you to ask with a comfortable sense of confidence.


Don’t you love it when a friend brings you her worry with, “I just know you’ll know what to say to help me feel better.”  That confidence is really a blessing to the Alpha receiving it.


Expectations Should Follow Claiming or Commanding


When we talk about expectations, the biggest thing I see, is that it is confused with hope. I’ve previously discussed that hope is a four letter word.


Hope is a problem because Hope has doubt in it. Doubt is fear. That is energy going the wrong way!


Expectations are very powerful, because expectations have positive anticipation backed with certainty.


Am I telling you that you should be able to rely 100% on everything someone tells you or promises you? Of course not. But if the other person is your Alpha, they have the ability to lead you in the motivation to protect you.


When your alpha says something will be so, you expect it.


Now to pull off a biblical hat trick (I’m fairly certain that combination of words has never been used in history! A hat trick is a slang for pulling off three of something, usually three goals in a hockey game).


In a few places, the Bible references becoming like a little child will get you everything you want.  That’s really about expectation and faith without doubt.


If you told hey child you know that you were taking them to Disney World next week, if you were their Alpha, they would believe you. They would expect to go.


Surrender needs that level of expectation of security and kept promises. When you have that, the Universe’s rules for Expectation kick in.


Surrender done right is NOT for the meek. It is valiant and beautiful and well rewarded.


Surrender done right is NOT for the meek. It is valiant and beautiful and well rewarded.


Next week we’ll summarize the 3 Alpha Life Cycles: Fight, Control & Surrender.


In Joy,



P.S  I have told clients over the years to contact me if they have an emergency. Some will, many won’t. Why not? Those that don’t, do not know how to confidently ask yet. When I gave them this promise, they doubt they can really claim it. They keep their problem to themselves until it’s a forest fire nearly out of control. 


Hit reply and share with me if you’ve kept your “Get Out of Jail Free” cards instead of USING them when needed.

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] Ask & You Shall Feel RELIEVED… Surrender #3 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] Why You Should Allow What You HATE… 3 Alpha Life Cycles – Surrender #2

Why You Should Allow What You HATE…​​​​​​​


This month talking about Surrender and why you’d want that (and you DO want that). To Surrender you must: Receive, Allow and Ask. 


Last week we got you started by Preparing You to Receive. Receiving is not automatic! Step 2 for Surrendering is Choosing to Allow. Let’s help you do that now…


Short version:

Surrender attracts help from sources stronger than you only if you can take your focus off of what needs changing and trust someone ELSE leading you to safety in their own way. 


Remember when we talked about the Double-Edged Trait of Planning and how being too rigid is bad? Allowing unlocks miracles and lets in things & help beyond your control (which is where almost all the good stuff comes from if you’ll admit it.)


Allowing has two principal parts – Agreeing, where you stop resisting what IS and Following, where you let another lead you.


Part 1: AGREE That Your Adversary is Good aka Turn the Other Cheek (& Other Stuff We Hate)

Whether you read the bible or not, you’ve heard: When someone hurts you/offends you, you should turn the other cheek. What? Seriously? Yep. They just didn’t explain WHY.


Universal Law says whatever you resist (i.e. are ticked off about/trying to change/worrying over) persists. Your focus calls out to the condition & invites it to stay just so you can KEEP focusing on it. Your INSISTENCE that this condition MUST change in order for YOU to be happy, is the exact belief the Universe is trying to get you to change.


When you STOP insisting things need to be different from how they are (i.e. you begin ALLOWING) the condition can fade away.


How do you start AGREEING with your adverse conditions? By knowing the sucky condition is serving a purpose. Then you can allowing it to exist while being less angry in your heart and with less plotting in your head. Get curious about how this situation can HELP YOU. Alphas pretty much hate this plan: Stop trying to FIX the condition and shift your beliefs on what MUST be changed from IT to YOU.


When you NEED things to change, they fight you. When you relax, it’s easier. One reason? People dislike helping desperate, needy people.  This is counter-intuitive but true. When you allow whatever it is with less fight and friction, you increase your ability to shift it.


I have seen marriages saved when they stopped fighting the divorce. Women get pregnant when they stop trying and go to adopt. Weight gets lost when you accept yourself how you are and love gets found when you begin living for your personal happiness instead of “hunting” a mate. 


If what you hate is a teacher, learn the darn lesson already so it can GO!


How to Follow for Alphas (And Other Leaders)


We’ll make this part simple. And for fun, I’ll continue my bible borrowing. This one is: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You.


That’s it. That’s how you follow. You accord the person you are surrendering with the SAME respect that YOU would want if YOU were leading them.


Don’t you hate it when people: micromanage, over-question, doubt, debate, undermine, resist, resent and correct you? Yep. Me too.


Do not do these things when your leader is leading you.


If you are surrendered in your relationship, those are ALL big no-nos. If you are surrendered in a business relationship same thing. If you give authority/control to someone, let them LEAD you.


Following is not submissive. For an Alpha or true leader, to follow is a great act of trust. SELF-TRUST.


You have to trust your own call to LET them lead. (FOLLOWING)

You have to trust your Source that the conditions around you are there for a reason. (AGREEING)

Self-trust is core of Allowing.


In Joy,



P.S  If you are getting the big picture, you can see that being able to surrender requires a very strong person. You Prepare to Receive, you Choose to Allow and next week we’ll learn to Confidently Ask.  When you can do all of those things, you are in BALANCE and in that place the most good can reach you. 


I am back from New Zealand and Australia! Headed next to Alabama to train the staff at the public library in Huntsville.  My surrendering is opening up the flood gates of my good and the perfect square of my life. It is NOT by fighting that I got what I have now and not by control that real love and more is rushing to meet me. Surrender has changed my life.

Let me know now if you want this for you…

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] Why You Should Allow What You HATE… 3 Alpha Life Cycles – Surrender #2 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] How to Receive What You WANT… 3 Alpha Life Cycles – Surrender #1

Receive What You Want…​​​​​​​


You made it through the first month – the tough stuff. Now you understand better why you FIGHT with your men and family and friends. Now you see why CONTROL is our default method to keep ourselves safe.


The first step in my coaching is MASSIVE TRUTH. Then we take MASSIVE ACTION leading finally to MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION.  Have you seen yourself in the Fight and Control cycles? Good.


Now let’s paint the yellow brick road to the final phases that Alphas want to reach…SURRENDER.


Yes dear, I know it “sounds” weak. However, it is the most powerful, most wonderful and safest place for you to be. Let’s show you what it looks like….


Short version:

There are 3 steps to Surrender and the first step is learning to Receive, which Alphas are weak at. Receiving is physical and requires you to STOP and then express gratitude for what is being given.


Catch Up Here:- The Alpha Life Cycles – Control Everyone #4The Alpha Life Cycles – Control Men #3



You’ve heard me say that Alphas are poor receivers. It will make your logical brain very, very happy to now read a FORMULA for receiving! Receiving has a critical EXTERNAL part (Stopping) and an essential INTERNAL part (Gratitude).


When you are done fighting with everyone and trying to force things to happen to make sure you get love, you can begin your journey into Surrender. Surrender is where you get without earning.


Part 1: You Cannot Receive Until You Have Come to a FULL Hard STOP


Stopping is the subtlest and I’ve come to see, the most critical part of receiving. A story will help us here. I ran track back in high school (yes, I was fast in the old days!). I ran on relay teams in different positions, where you wait for the runner ahead of you to hand you a baton. The hand off is CRITICAL. If you blow the handoff, you can lose the entire race.


What was hard? We had to hand off the baton from a runner at the END of her race to a fresh runner STARTING her race. We were both MOVING. It is hard to give something TO a moving target and Alphas won’t stop moving!


You keep pushing, trying, asking, convincing. Even after you say, I’m done. I’m resting. I’ve let it go. You. Have. NOT. Your brain keeps gnawing at it. It keeps you up at night. Familiar?


Do you know why most miracles occur in the 11th hour at the very last moment? Because THAT is the very first moment you were willing to put down the baton that you are running with. That is when you are soo exhausted that you stop by falling to the ground in pure fatigue. You simply cannot go any farther.


To receive from a friend, a loved one, a company, your Source or anything easily you need to STOP making everyone chase your moving target!


This is why prayer works. This is why mediation works. These activities slow you down & pause you so that your good can catch up to you. It would shock you to know that your good is in fact chasing you and you keep moving.


When you want to receive something, use this affirmation or mantra (personalize it with your own words):


I am stopping now. I am done trying to make __________ work/happen. I am ready to receive guidance/help however it arrives. Help me get out of the way and clear the path for my good to easily reach me.


Part 2: To Receive You Have to Be GRATEFUL For What Is Being Given


I love you Alpha. Do you know how you often look at offers of help?

  • They don’t think I can do it.
  • I don’t want to get used to this because when I goes away, I’m screwed…
  • What do they want from me in return?
  • They aren’t strong enough to help me…
  • I’m almost done anyway, it’s ok.


To be in Surrender you are in a feminine, receiving mode. You are HAPPY to be offered help and your glad acceptance is all the payment good people need to give it.


A begrudging acceptance of help is not grateful. You need only utter and master two words – Thank you.


Preparing yourself to receive means you stopping whatever you are doing and standing physically, mentally and emotionally STILL (you stop controlling). 


You will need to be DELIBERATE about stopping. If you do not do this deliberately, I promise you will still be in motion to control somehow. Once stopped, then prepare yourself to say Thank You to your benefactor. 


Surrender takes practice. This is where we begin…


In Joy,



P.S  I entered Surrender just this year. It is worth it. I spent this past week in New Zealand with my mate. He got to see miracles surround us. We were in a place of stopping and gratitude. From this place it is very easy to see all the good surrounding you that you are not currently noticing.


Do you see more scenery walking or from a moving car? It’s the speed! Slow down and then find a way to STOP to begin receiving. The faster you are moving (controlling) the harder it is for your good to reach you.


Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] Do You Control Everyone? The Alpha Life Cycles – Control #2 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] Do You Control Everyone? The Alpha Life Cycles – Control #2

We control our men but what about everyone else?​​​​​​​


Yes…ALL of them. Let’s spend a little more time with control.


Short version:

We don’t WANT to be controlling. We have to be. Control protects us from being harmed if others knew our true feelings and makes them meet our needs. 


Last week’s post – The Alpha Life Cycles – Control Men #3The Alpha Life Cycles – Family Fight #2The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight Our Men #1



With family, friends and co-workers we take care to add an extra layer of control so they cannot see our true FEELINGS.


Remember, from our families at a young age, we are  taught to be afraid and expect disappointments, abandonments, isolation, abuse and neglect. That leads us to not trust our own value and decisions. That means we can’t trust anybody! (Our very DECISION to trust Person X is suspicious to us.)


Since we are convinced they ARE out to get us, we cannot let them see we aren’t always pulled together. We cannot show weakness. Alphas are apex predators and showing weakness invites attack in predator world.


Once those pesky feelings are safely hidden we can get back to making CERTAIN we get our needs met. We only resort to force if absolutely necessary – we prefer BUYING our love with our Alpha super skills.


Alphas are mercenaries with family, friends and at work by selling our Planning, Analyzing, Crisis Management and Independence skills (See the Double Edged Sword of these Traits HERE). We control people by rescuing them from whatever is chasing them (predators remember??)


I saved you. You owe me LOVE.


We try to arrange everything to protect ourselves from our fears. But this can NEVER work. Despite appearances, your fears are INSIDE of you and their symptoms keep out-picturing OUTSIDE of you. You are fighting the SHADOW, not what caused it!


Example: Overweight is never about the cookies. It’s about what makes you feel vulnerable and afraid that drives you to SEEK the cookies.


Here is something very important to know.  Control is an Alpha’s go to when we are hurt, overwhelmed or in crisis. Alphas always “right their ship” by increasing their control over something or someone. So when your world spins, you will squeeze those around you tighter to protect yourself. 


All this controlling and rescuing repels healthy relationships and convinces us we are indeed on our own. So we keep struggling harder and longer.


Those around you love you and hate you.


Most Alphas have entered the Control Life Cycle and stay there the remainder of their lives, never reaching the Surrender Cycle. Don’t let that be you.


Build a better internal foundation so you can feel safe and loved by you. Then you don’t NEED those around you to donate to your emotional fundraiser before they are ready.



Build a better internal foundation so you can feel safe and loved by you. Then you don’t NEED those around you to donate to your emotional fundraiser before they are ready.


You will not be able to disengage this alone. Sorry. OPTIONS: You ask for help. You wing it (our default plan) or you keep reading free stuff on the web that you aren’t able to fully apply (stop that!).


Here is the irony. To control others and our feelings, we abandon ourselves but we shoot fire at those doing the same to us! If you are ready to break this cycle, come now.


My private coaching is up-leveling and investment is doubling and tripling. If you want me as your guide to get to Surrender, hit reply now to lock in my present rates. 


In Joy,



P.S  I am in love. I am love. I feel loved.  I am continuing to show love wherever I go and everything is responding to that love.


I want this life by design for you. If your marriage can be saved, I can do it. If you should NOT learn how to love him, then I’ll help you leave him. We can do whatever it takes to break you free of your blocks, including working with your Alpha teen…


Rob your bank, bring me the bills WITHOUT the dye and let’s design the life you SECRETLY still really want. 

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] Do You Control Everyone? The Alpha Life Cycles – Control #2 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] Why Do I Control Men? The Alpha Life Cycles – Control #1

Control is Our Chocolate​​​​​​​


We spent two weeks talking about why Alphas need to fight and who we love to fight with: our man, our family, friends and coworkers – OK, sort of everyone.


FIGHT is the first Cycle. Next we enter CONTROL.


In our late 20s/early 30s we enter the Control Cycle. This week will talk about how and why we control our men (and no, it does not usually come out well.)


Short version:

We control by rescuing and helping in hopes he won’t leave us and he’ll give us the love and approval we are not giving ourselves.


Last week’s post – The Alpha Life Cycles – Family Fight #2The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight Our Men #1


Why Am I a Control Freak??


To understand WHY we control our men, you have to understand why we WANT to control everything. Please memorize the following: You only need to control things when you are afraid.


Unfortunately, Alphas are always afraid that somebody (Him!) is going to bail on us. That fear comes from our families (Read Fighting Family #2 from last week). We are convinced our mates won’t meet all our needs, so we have to arrange it ourselves.


That energy of – “I’m going to watch you, guide you, correct you, inspect you AND STILL expect you NOT to do well”, repels a healthy man. It leaves Alphas with softer, Beta Men.



We Make Love a DEBT


The Alphas’ solution to feeling loved is engineering conditions where men aremade to give us with what WE need.


Think about it. The only person that would let themselves be controlled long term is a person who is not a natural leader. Unfortunately, these softer (beta) men still want be seen as strong, treated as men and respected as leaders. The inability to get that respect makes them passive-aggressive eventually.


Passive-aggressive comes after years of letting the Alpha have her way. The average period in a marriage before a beta man starts really acting out is approximately 5 to 7 years in. They start to feel permanently small and broken.


This is when they say yes, but “do” no. They resist, resent, delay and grumble and everybody’s favorite… Explode. The hallmark of these passive-aggressives is stuffing things down and then exploding over a small trigger. The explosion can be verbal or it can be bad behavior.


That crappy behavior reinforces the cycle that convinces YOU that YOU have to stay in control. If you don’t keep pushing them, they won’t keep moving is your logic. If you don’t keep watching them, they screw up is your rationalization.


And every once in a blue moon you leave them in control of something and it… fails. He has the reins so seldom, that he fumbles them under pressure. And then we judge him unworthy and revoke future privileges citing his past performance.


Don’t forget our baking analogy. We’ve decided, that if we just changed 4 or 5 things about the man in front of us, he’d be perfect for us! We bake him to order. So, we figure out what will improve him and make HIS life better and we “explain” that to him. We buy him books and try to get him to take courses. We try to convince him to follow our logic and reasoning and feelings.


We become extremely difficult when things don’t go according to our (head’s) plan and we are easy to get along with when we have our way. THIS IS control and manipulation.


You cannot stop controlling your man unless you begin doing the inner work on trust. The goal is trusting you will receive what you need without directly overseeing it.


The object of coaching in this area is for you to spot when you’re controlling and begin to feel control as undesirable.  You learn how all the things you really want, come when you are not in control of things. (Yep, pretty much the exact opposite of what you think right now.)


Is that hard to do alone? Yep.


Happily, you aren’t alone. Ask me for help now.


In Joy,



P.S  I cannot begin to explain how amazing it was, being with an Alpha man who was NOT behaving the way my HEAD wanted, and NOT 1) controlling him, 2) TRYING to control him or even 3) WANTING to control him.


That is known as acceptance aka love. I accepted him as he was and worked on why him being his way BOTHERED ME.


Result? My unconditioned love cracked open his shell and now the most unimaginable love is pouring back onto me. He is already clear that he wants to marry me. (Wise choice! A soft outside with strong inside – masculine/feminine balanced Alpha is rare. Hint: I create these!)


Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] Why Do I Control Men? The Alpha Life Cycles – Control #1 Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] Why Is My Family SOO Stressful? The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight #2

Our Family Formed Us​​​​​​​


We are learning The 3 Life Cycles of the Alpha – the origin of you! Thanks Mom & Dad!


You want the shortest version? You are running around trying to get whatever you DIDN’T get as a child and trying to compensate with your superpowers because you blamed yourself for NOT getting/losing whatever it was.


Last week’s post – The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight Our Men #1


Just Like the Universe, We Were Formed By An (Emotionally) Explosive Event


Last week I told you that we hit an “Abandonment Event” early in our lives that set us on the course to Alpha-dom. Whatever it was, it imprinted you with fear.


I’ll share mine. It is the earliest story I remember that completely shifted my life. It’s about CAKE. Yep, specifically Entenmann’s Louisiana Crunch Cake. Read on!


“The Joke” or How to Damage a 5 Year Old For Life…


My family loved this cake. Mom, dad and older sister (10). My mom decides to divvy up the cake giving each family member their own portion at the beginning of the week. Everyone eats theirs. (Yep, you can see where THIS is going!)


I am 5 and I divide my portion into a few pieces and decide to SAVE IT(Note: have you seen the famous 1970’s Standford Marshmallow test done with 5 year olds? It predicts their future success by ability to defer instant gratification. I pretty much had that nailed!).


Friday finally arrives. My family is at the dinner table and it’s time for dessert! I ask for my last slice of cake. The answer is…sorry, you father took it for his lunch.


And my world crashed.


What do you mean he took MY cake? I planned for this (Alphas are Planners). I sacrificed to have it now and my parents casually tell me it’s gone and they do NOT care how upset I am. In fact, they begin…to laugh over my grief and anger.


I am inconsolable. I cannot imagine a greater injustice than having MY father steal from me and watch MY mother laugh off his offense. I am so upset I announce I am leaving. I’ll run away and flee the table in tears.


I get my Barbie suitcase (loved that thing!) and fill it with whatever a 5 yr old would. I return to the kitchen and see my family is pretending nothing is wrong.


I drag my suitcase loudly and slowly up the stairs to the back door. I open the back door at NIGHT (scary!!) and… no one is stopping me. I am waiting to be STOPPED. Brought back. Hugged and consoled. I made it to the end of the driveway before I collapsed in tears.


And…after what felt like eternity, head hung low when no one came for me, I dragged myself back, heart broken. (Yes, I believe they kept an eye on me and probably thought this was a joke.)


What Did This Event Teach Me INSTANTLY?


  • You cannot trust those who say they love you
  • Love is NOT safe
  • Your preferences are honored only when convenient
  • If you are strongest, rules do not apply to you
  • Hard work can be taken from you
  • You are on your own when you are hurt
  • Vulnerability/weakness is punished
  • My feelings are little things that don’t matter


It taught me that I was NOT enough and I was not safe with my own family (-> I’m not worthy of love). I learned that ONLY I would provide for and protect me (-> Don’t trust others).  Since I cannot depend on them, I have to stay in control (Next Week!) of others to ensure they do not hurt me or leave me. These are all sabotaging beliefs!


These beliefs are COMMON to Alphas. These are what I work to heal.



Happy Endings ARE Possible


I healed this story only in the last few years. It survived 35 years!! Want the closure of a happy ending?


On a recent trip to my father’s home in Dallas, I discovered one single apple turnover (pastry our family also loves, we like our sweets!) left on the counter. Didn’t eat it. Bought another package.


My dad saw me opening the new package and asked, “Why didn’t you eat the other one?” “It was yours Daddy and the last one.” His reply, “That doesn’t matter. If you wanted it, you could’ve eaten mine.”


And yes, that made me cry. (Tearing up typing it). You can heal your family stuff, no matter how it started or how bad it is. Until you do, the fear based lessons you’ve learned early on will make you FIGHT to get what you need.


You will FIGHT with family, friends and co-workers who you fear will DISAPPOINT. ABANDON. ABUSE or NEGLECT you. You will voluntarily isolate yourself to avoid being left alone!


Alphas FIGHT with the world because we learned that those who most love us don’t always keep us safe.


It is up to YOU to keep you safe FIRST.


Once you do that, you can receive it from others and not before.


In Joy,



P.S  For those of you watching the happy saga of “Tanya’s Alpha Mate” – he is really showing up. I’m headed to New Zealand with him in two weeks and then back to Australia. Then on to Texas and Alabama to speak and teach workshops. I designed my life to travel like this.


And the reason that I can create a relationship across the planet, 10,000 miles (15K Kms) away is because I have learned how to give myself security BEFORE seeking it from another.


When I’m secure, I am NOT emotional, needy or reactive and I give him room to open up his emotions and make mistakes without a FIGHT. A misstep by him does not mean I will be abandoned, so I don’t have to FIGHT.


Ultimate Win? I no longer abandon ME. Hit reply and let me know if you understand what that means…


Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] The Origin Story of YOU – The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight #1Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Alphas] The Origin Story of YOU – The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight #1

Where Do Alphas Come From??


Time for our origin story!! The 3 Life Cycles of the Alpha.


Everybody knows that Spiderman was bit by a radioactive spider. And Superman’sparents sent him as an orphan to Earth to save him. Batman‘s wealthy parents were killed by criminals. Wonder Woman was part God, born to an island of female Amazons. (Yep, Alphas!!)


Their origin stories created these heroes and simultaneously gave them their greatest strengths and most profound weaknesses. (Like our Double-Edged Sword Traits of an Alpha – Read Here.)


I’ve been repeatedly asked to tell the origin story of Alpha women. And so I will… It will take two months. What? We’re complicated. If you are a man, read on. You’ll learn why we are wired the way we are.


I will explain to you the three life cycles of the Alpha: Fight. Control and Surrender.


We will spend two weeks on Fight , two weeks on Control and a month onSurrender. That should clue you in to the relative importance of the Surrender phase, which most Alphas never reach.


Let’s explore how we come to fight with our men 🙂


We Fight Out of FEAR of NOT GETTING


Although we will talk about how and why we fight with our family and friends next week, it IS family that started this whole mess. Our families destabilized us by emotionally abandoning us early on, in some way.


When we arrive ready to have a relationship, we have a fear inside of us of not being loved or safe. We don’t trust our man to show up for us and to stay.Unfortunately, we’d learned to make our juvenile world safe by playing commander-in-chief and fighting to get what we need.


So, in the beginning we pursue men who are very similar to us and then fight with them.


THEY are in their masculine (and usually it’s not a healthy masculine, it’s more of an asshole-ish masculine because we don’t pick well at this stage) and WE are in our masculine. It’s like putting two roosters in the same pen – does NOT work.


We will use a baking analogy all through this series. We decide what we want as our cake and we set out to give our “order” directly to him. We want him to remake himself. He should do the mixing this way and the icing this way and use this kind of frosting…


When we try to fix another person, they resent it and fight. It makes them feel like they’re not already good enough. This is ‘like to like’ or the Law of Attraction. The Alpha herself does not feel good enough, because of her initial abandonment, so we find men who are also not good enough.  Then we attempt to fix them.


We do not feel that we can have a man who is already good enough, so we pick ‘fixer uppers’ as projects.


Remember, Alphas are RESCUERS. This is the origin of the rescue. Find someone who is wounded and damaged and heal him and then he HAS to love you, right? He won’t leave you, right?


Unfortunately, as you know, that’s not true. But during the Fight Cycle we don’t know that yet. So, we keep finding men that are identical to us (wounded) and fighting to change him into what we need.



I’ll Make You Better, You GIVE Me Love…


We are demanding he love us and make us SAFE. Wanting to be loved is a doomed attempt to have THEM heal OUR wounds.


For Alphas, the FIGHT CYCLE claims your teens into your 20s. And it is exhausting.


Because Alphas tend to be smart, beautiful and overly accomplished, we originally expected to get a good man easily. We learned we can have what we “earned.“ We become willing to “earn” a man by dealing with the crazy.


Bitter disappointment follows the discovery that men won’t change for the better and won’t stay on our terms. This is the Fight Cycle.


Next week we will explore the Fight Cycle with our friends, families and at work. 


Get ready to see yourself in a mirror! 


In Joy,



P.S  Writing this brought back memories!  Why did I stay? Why did I beg? Why did I convince? Why did I overlook? Why did I take crumbs?? I was a wounded as these men were, I just LOOKED like I had it all together.  Back then, I still needed someone to prove to me that I was lovable. 


Writing this brought back memories!  Why did I stay? Why did I beg? Why did I convince? Why did I overlook? Why did I take crumbs?? I was a wounded as these men were, I just LOOKED like I had it all together.  Back then, I still needed someone to prove to me that I was lovable. 




Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Alphas] The Origin Story of YOU – The Alpha Life Cycles – Fight #1Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Balance] Are You Stuck on STUBBORN??

How Stubborn ARE You?


This week we will be talking about a disease that kills more people than anything else, I would be willing to including cancer. All cancers.


What is it? STUBBORNESS.


Catch up for August Here – The Double Edged Sword #4 – Too Independent



Everybody knows someone who is stubborn or God help you, maybe it’s you!


What’s really funny, is when people openly ADMIT they’re stubborn! As if this is not a terrible thing to be.  It should be looked at like admitting you are a liar or a thief.


Here’s what stubborn really means: you would rather be right than happy, loved, healthy or wealthy.


Stubborn people will take and keep their own counsel, even when there is someone with experience to know better, willing to advise them. Like Frank Sintra, you insist that you have to do it YOUR WAY.


If you’re overweight, you’re stubborn. You know what you need to do and you won’t do it. If you don’t have enough money, you’re stubborn.There’s about 1000 different ways for you to improve your financial situation but you are not executing on them.


Note: before your head tries to get involved in any excuses and defenses around this, I did NOT say that those thousand ways were EASY. I did NOT say they were COMFORTABLE. I did NOT say they don’t involve big effort, investment and even downright pain.


The same thing holds true with getting your health in order. In fact, here is a truth about the process to get ANYTHING in order: Anything that’s out of order will require the application of extra energy to the chaos to straighten it out.


Stubborn people won’t put in the extra and won’t accept guidance to improve their process.



You Will Need to “FORGE” Something New


And although it’s fallen out of use, people formerly used the word “Forge” not just for metal, but in reference to “forging” someone’s personality and character.


You probably never tried to be a blacksmith, hammer metal or forge steel. (It’s FUN!)  But you get the idea. When something is crooked and we want it straight, there’s a lot of freaking hammering, heat and sweat.


If your health, wealth, love or mission are crooked and you want it straightened…be prepared to apply some heat, some hammering and some sweat.


Stubborn folks do a little, see no results and declare all FUTURE, similar efforts futile. Then they proceed to make themselves right.


When you’re done being stubborn (and right), you can forge something new out of the soft metal of your life. When you’re ready for that, hit reply and contact me.


In Joy,



P.S  I hope you examined the 4 traits of an Alpha this month!  Your Planner, Analyzer, Crisis Manager & Strong Independence are sharp tools that often cut you. Make sure you’ve done the work to see where you need improvement.  Learn about your 4 Double Edged Sword Traits here.


If you are in US and coming up on a 3-day holiday weekend, make time for reflection. Do not keep your foot on the gas in life, thinking everything will sort itself out. It won’t. You have to step back and see where you are and remind yourself where you want to go.


Assume you are stubborn and ask yourself where is my stubbornness MOST hurting me right now? Let me know…


Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Balance] Are You Stuck on STUBBORN?? Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon

[Balance] The Double Edged Sword #4 – Alphas are INDEPENDENT

It’s Scary & Hard…So I’ll Do it ALONE


This week is the last of our 4 strong Alpha traits that lead to over-focusing on the strength and ignoring it’s weakness! Hello you Lone Wolves. Yes, we are Planners, Analyzers and Crisis Managers.


Let’s take a look at you Alpha as totally INDEPENDENT.


Catch up Here – The Double Edged Sword #3 – The Rescuers The Double Edged Sword #2 – The Analyzers, The Double Edged Sword #1 – The Planners



Super Power Trait: Independence


Skill Set: Toact alone, without support, in the face of difficulty and succeed.


Weakness: Your amazing independence trait make you ISOLATED. The better you are handling things alone, the HARDER it is for you to ask for, receive and work with the SUPPORT of others.  Because you are EPIC at going it alone, you subconsciously reject help to stay alone. 


Superpower Independence makes you sabotage the love, support and guidance actually available to you.


How does that screw you up?


You get used to fighting alone. Conan, Rocky, The Terminator, Rambo. All Lone Wolves, always getting ready for battle alone and under the hardest conditions. Your life becomes that “getting ready for battle against impossible odds” fight prep montage scene in every action movie!


Here is the cycle: In the beginning you are wrongly abandoned by someone/s (usually family) and left to fend for yourself. Abandonment is the most common core wound of an Alpha woman.  You are forced to struggle and win ALONE.


Next, you try asking for some little help and that becomes a nightmare, often ending with an “I will help you” that always turns into… “Just can’t make it this time!” That gets old QUICK. Easier to plan to do it alone than be surprised by people bailing on you, right? (We all think that.)


Result? You stop asking. You stop EXPECTING dependable support. You start attracting victims who really cannot support you. That forces you to become even MORE Independent. The trap springs shut and the cycle is locked!


Alphas don’t ask for help. When you do, you tend to ask people who are wiggly who perfectly fit our “we are on our own” world view. It is critical that you start believing that help is not only available but it is your right to receive it while working on your life’s purpose.



Surrender to Allow Support So You Can Lead & Be Loved


A good leader doesn’t do all the work or play all the spots on a team. A great leader attracts capable people and can allow support . We all know what it is like to work for someone who does not value our skills and insists on doing everything! Don’t be that person.


You cannot inspire confidence if you are not growing the trust of those around you.  We trust you if you can see how we can contribute and LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT.


Love? I could teach on this for a month (hmm, maybe I will…).


Men (the masculine) protects and provides. If YOU are always doing the protecting and providing, where have you left room for a healthy man in your life?


Alphas squish, squash, intimidate, feminize and neuter men. Yep, I said it. Often you don’t even realize that you are doing that. I didn’t. I just thought I was being “independent” and protecting myself from repeats of past hurts. That led to a cycle of me attracting WEAK men who would fail to support me and me saying “See! I was right!!”


If your marriage is a constant fight or in it’s 4th year of “roommate” land – something is WRONG. You need to take aggressive (we are good at that!) action right now to either save this marriage or tell the truth that it’s a 1973 Ford Pinto that really doesn’t need more “repairs” to keep it on the road.


You cannot be in a healthy, loving relationship and maintain total independence and control. What would be the point?


Surrendering total independence to have a healthy team, healthy marriage and healthy spiritual relationship with your Source is NOT a punishment! Its a freakin’ reward! Remember being the sleepy little kid in the back seat while your dad drove the family home late a night?  That was AWESOME.


We are stubborn about the “value” of our independence.  Knowing when to be Independent and when to be Surrendered is very tricky for Alphas.  It took me years and tens of thousands of dollars of study. If you want me to speed that up for you, click here.


Get clear on this my lovely one: You are not better off alone.  You can attract in the love and support you really want WHEN we do the work on you to heal what forced you into early independence and isolation.


I am finding lots of Alphas became the “adult” in their families during childhood. That was me. After my parents divorced, I lived with my father and ran the house & creditors for him before I even had a period.  If that was you, hit reply and let me know!


You are beautiful and powerful and do not have to go it alone. Lower your armor (defenses) and learn how to let in support. It takes a village to build a child AND a millionaire, so you need help to unlearn what has kept you safe up until now.


In Joy,



P.S  Back home in the US after 18 days!  It feels a little surreal that you can simply choose to be on the other side of the planet, 10K miles (15K km) away and just do that. 

My trip there ended up being a giant personal retreat and I found new layers of myself. That means I found new “old” wounds to heal and did that! I feel shiny and new. The journey to yourself doesn’t stop and your physical life will always out picture as the level of internal work you’ve done. Always.

P.P.S. I enjoyed time with an Alpha mate candidate in Australia. I teach what I live and live what I teach. Will he end up as my final mate? I do not know. 🙂 I am surrendered. I am not in control nor trying to control it and therefore I am peaceful. I am capable of being totally independent, yet I choose NOT to be, thus allowing fantastic support to reach me. THAT is power. (I’m not even in control of the camera – watch 23 sec video above!) 

Tanya Stewart is “The Alpha Woman Coach” and began coaching strong women as a Divorce lawyer in her own high conflict law firm 20 years ago. She understands how Alpha women are wired and using her Master’s level Metaphysics background and Advanced Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy, she brings rapid change to people she works with. 


She is a speaker, published author and Mensa member whose coaching is recommended by the World-Famous Motivator, Les Brown, Best-Selling Love Coach Greg Baer and International Change Expert, Dr. Eldon Taylor. She can teach you to separate struggle from success. 


ALL My videos are always on my Vimeo channel HERE 

Find Even More on the Resources page of the website:


[Balance] The Double Edged Sword #4 – Alphas are INDEPENDENT Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon